Americans spend $28+ billion annually on lawn maintenance. Planting Earth Turf not only alleviates the financial costs of traditional lawn care, but minimizes environmental costs too.

Earth Turf is planted just like a traditional lawn, so ground preparation and installation costs are equal. Earth Turf seed costs about $30 more than generic lawn seed for a 1000sf lawn, but by not having to install in-ground irrigation system, you can save thousands of dollars.
Annual Costs
Traditional lawns need about an inch of water per week, which is over 30,000 gallons per year for a 1000sf lawn. Fertilizer and weed control chemicals will run about $50 per year. Thatching and aeration is prescribed every two years for traditional lawns, while an Earth Turf Lawn can go without it.
Mowing requirements vary by geographic location and personal preference, but an average manicured traditional lawn receives 25-35 mows per year while an Earth Turf lawn can have less than 10. Or follow Google’s approach and eliminate lawnmowers altogether.
Environmental Costs
Traditional lawn maintenance wastes thousands of gallons of clean water for irrigation. Appearance improving synthetic fertilizer is derived straight from fossil fuels and can seep into ground water to cause algae blooms and ocean dead zones.
Unquantifiable Costs
With Earth Turf, you will never have children and pets playing on a fresh application of Weed & Feed. And with reduced maintenance, Earth Turf gives you more time for things more important than lawn care.
In short, self fertilizing Earth Turf saves you hundreds of dollars per year in maintenance, relieves a traditional lawn’s toll on the environment, does not expose your family to chemicals and saves many hours of work.
We have 7 live oaks in the yard. I am in the process of eliminating all grass/weeds and would like to plant MicroClover in several areas where “lawn” might otherwise be. Which of your products would be worth trying in our coastal, sub-tropical environment. We have “dappled sunlight/shade” and quite warm July and August temperaatures. I am also starting to vermicompost and am excited about the prospects of eco-happy yard and gardens.
I am a repeat customer of EARTH TURF!! I have two dogs..and this clover does stand up to them better than grass!! I am reseeding some areas this season- come May in New England ( RI)! Thanks for your product..Annie
I’m up at Lake Tahoe with a new fenced in yard. Sun/Shade. Snow in winter, of course. Will it work? Where do I find the stuff?
I am in Atlanta (US zone 7). What would be the best microclover seed mixture for my area? Thanks
Earth Turf seems to be more cost effective then traditional lawns, the Turf Management NY is probably less expensive.
This product seems like exactly the kind of thing I’d like to use on my lawn in Atlanta. We seem to be south of your zone map. Am I out of luck?
We have 6/10 of an acre with over 80 trees, the majority of them are walnut trees. We’ve spent six years trying to get grass and ground covers to grow in an environment challenged by shade and walnut tree toxins. Will any of your products work in that environment?
My front yard is thick and full b-c I have an irrigation system and I weed and feed it. My back yard is a mess b-c it is not irrigated and I do not use weed and feed for fear of harming my pets. I prob have 40% grass and 50% weeds (lots of chick weed); will your product help me??? I live in South Jersey.
How well does Earth Turf Overseed work in Central Kansas? After it is established and growing do I ever have to water it?
What I don’t see is the mix ratio or is this 100% micro-clover?
What kind of Earth Turf will work in central Nebraska, and what time of year is best to plant it
Being a senior with a big, mossy lawn, I want for different reasons to reduce my efforts with the lawn mover.
How often will Your clover seed need cutting? Will I have to get rid of the moss?
Living in western Norway, we enjoy some rain!
Who, if any, are your northern California dealers that carry micro-clover?
Will your products work in Ottawa, Ontario?Miniature clover?
Do you have dealers in Ontario? Canada?
Robert F.
This product seems like exactly the kind of thing I’d like to use on my lawn in Atlanta. We seem to be south of your zone map. Am I out of luck? What is your opinion about using microclover in zone 7?
I live in Fresno, CA and want to know if this will work in my large yard. The yard has been let go and is dead and weedy. I need something that is low maintenance and hopefully requires less water. Help!
How will your product do in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada?
How will Earth Turf so in zone 9-10? I live in Orlando. The soil is very sandy, basic (because of the limestone), are in the border of rainy/ dry seasons instead of the traditional four. Our yard experiences full (baking ) sun and in part has overhanging live oaks (yay trees!). To add insult to injury, the yard is sloped and we need to prevent washouts during the tropical torrents . Any suggestions?
I see several people asking about the use of your product in Atlanta. However, I have seen no response. Will your mixes be successful in my shady atlanta yard?
My name is Steve Pletcher. We built our home 24 years ago near Emporia, Kansas. We had a really nice yard for the first 17 or 18 years. The past five or six years, our .5 acre yard has become a constant headache and disappointment. It seems we have been through problem after problem, year after year. Problems come in all types – drought, grubs, moles, crabgrass, etc. I love yards and landscaping but I have become sick of “trying” to fix our yard. I have tried everything…
Needing to overseed an old backyard lawn as chafer beetle visited. Also need to seed the front lawn which seems to invite a lot of moss in spite of its southern exposure as we are located in the outskirts of Vancouver, BC where we get an excessive amount of rain. Recommendations for a new lawn with clouds of moss peppering the whole lawn plus overseeding the backyard lawn which has had a mild infestation of the grub two years ago. Nearest dealer in Canada or Bellingham, Washington? Or order thru your location?
Will your earth turf blend hold up in Denver, CO? We have some very dry summers. Not as hot as Texas or southern California, but still very dry and frequently in the 80’s and 90’s. Sometimes we break 100 degrees. What product would you suggest?
How would your grass do in central California with our high heats also I currently have Bermuda grass I plan on cutting it really low and then applying your new seed over it will this work.
From York, PA
Any dealers in S.Central PA?
Where in the Denver Metro area can I buy
this product?